
Navigating Tenure and Beyond: A Guide for Early Career Faculty.

Evans Ochola

American Meteorological Society

Is Digital Different? How Information Creation, Capture, Preservation and Discovery Are Being Transformed

Evans Ochola

Portal: Libraries and the Academy, vol. 16(3), 2016, pp. 651-652

ePortfolio Using the Power of Nonlinear Space to Create and Interlink a Repertoire of Skills Essential for Teaching

Ochola J. E., J. G. Achrazoglou, R. Anthony

Journal for Inclusive Education , vol. 3(4), 2015

Wikipedia: the difference between information acquisition and learning knowledge

Ochola J. E., Persson D. M., Schumacher L. A., M. D. Lingo

First Monday, vol. 20(12), 2015

Learning environments and rapidly evolving handheld technologies.

Ochola J. E., Stachowiak J. R., Achrazoglou J. G., D. B. Bills

First Monday, vol. 18(4), 2013

The new mobile scholar and the effective use of information and communication technology.

Bills D. B., Holliman S., L. Lowe, J. E. Ochola

First Monday: Peer Reviewed Journal on the Internet , vol. 11(4), 2006


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